I woke up with a slightly racing heartbeat this morning. My dreams have been very intense and...real. Somehow my past lovers were there, in different scenarios and crazy situations.
Like a sinking ship 🤭 and the actual office of the headteacher in my primary school (what a weird thing, huh? 🤔).
You've guessed it...there was sex involved (in fact, I touched myself before leaving the bed this morning cause it felt 'on fire' down there).
It is quite interesting and erotic to have wet dreams with ex's or people who played a role in your past.
I will narrate this headteacher's office scene in an erotic audio shortly but that's not the point of this post...
Part of the dreams last night brought up to my conscious awareness how little I have been 'treated' in the past. And no, this is not a pitiful statement at all, it is just Truth.
I was blocking it myself (a learning after a profound self-analysis) and "they" were getting the vibration of lack (my vibration) and of not deserving.
And so...they were not giving, just taking.
I am sharing my Wishlist link because this is something I set up a while back when first coming across this self-limitation I had.
My idea was not being afraid to ask for a treat, to be open to be spoiled... because I feel worthy and welcoming of other's will to give.
Because only giving and blocking receiving hasn't worked for me so far.
This morning…
…after the masturbation and the coffee, I opened my emails and found that some anonymous person 🥰 has bought me a surprise gift (it is an amazing obsidian bracelet and pendant 🖤) and it has made my heart blend and slow down with peace and love.
It has made my day.
I am very fortunate and I receive now "treats" from my followers from time to time (thank you all of you!!!) and it feels absolutely amazing, let me tell you that.
It is awesome to be treated, every woman must be treated (not only with material things of course!).
I hope you TREAT women in your life often. For no reason.
They might not show they want to be treated or, like myself, even repel it... but it is an unconscious sense of low self-value and self-confidence.
Show them your love and appreciation everyday if possible ❤️
It can be a little bracelet, a cute pair of earrings, flowers (even if from her own garden!), her favorite candy, just a whisper in her ear, tell them that you love them, smell their neck and tell them it feels like home, hold them while they are doing an everyday task, hold their hand when you finish dinner and look her in the eye for 30 seconds...
To sum-up: Notice and pay attention to them💖💝