Listen and read along:
Very cliché but…I can’t believe is August! (there you go, I said it, so unoriginal!)
Trust me when I say that if you think the world is upside-down (or, kind of hectic to say the least), it won’t stop any time soon.
I don’t want to go very mystic (as I know you prefer my fun sexy side) BUT man! Look out there, it’s madness!
You may or may not know that I did throw away my TV a while back and stopped paying the ridiculous TV license (if you’re in the UK you know what I am talking about).
Reason being I took the decision of not watching it anymore and, believe me, my life improved dramatically.
However, even if you don’t have one, it is impossible NOT to learn what is going on in the world if you use social media or Youtube.
In case you don’t know, all of it is/was/will be mathematically designed in the Universe and every event (not in the exact way of what, how, where or when it happens as the Universe speaks symbology and archetypes and not words or languages) can be understood and sort of “forecasted”.
The End of The World
Don’t you remember years ago when they said the world would end in 2012 according to the Maya calendar?
I do but that’s because I am older than the sun 🥴
Well, it did end…symbolically.
As in a new era was (actually is) emerging.
If you’re interested in all this topics (I am beyond passionate about it!) go and join my talking channel on Youtube.
I am not extremely active at the moment because other things have my attention and time but, as I call it, that’s my therapy channel.
I just throw thoughts and reflexions about the nature of this life being trapped in a human (some of us, sexy 😉) body.
So yes, the world begun to end around 2012…It’s 2024 now and it’s all shambles.
But I am not here to bring you down!!
Noooo, please, I want to be the opposite of a killjoy! 😄
Genders (oh my!🙈)
A letter is not enough to talk about this topic properly (so I’ll make a video LOL).
I just want to mention the movie “Avatar”.
I never watched it, believe it or not.
It did not appealed at all when it came out in 2009.
(probably because I had a toddler and was breastfeeding a 6 months old and was kind of busy and in “mom mode”)
But I know what’s about and two words come to my mind: Hybrid and Telepathy.
As far as I heard, those ‘beings’ did not speak words but communicate with each other telepathically and they were not specifically male or female as we know it now but sort of both and none.
Well, I am 1000% convinced that’s where we are heading towards 💁🏻♀️
And this is not conspiracy stuff (I came out of that trap a while back), it is science, it is in the stars.
Now…don’t get too excited.
Another thing I am 1000% sure is that not me or any of you will see it with your eyes.
It won’t happen next year or in 10 years…it might take 1,000 years.
Why I say this?
Because with all the imperfections of the human race and all the divisiveness and chaos, that bunch of genders (or rather no genders or whatever 🤭) coming into the collective awareness…that’s just the clumsy beginning of this transition to hybrids.
And also, because (and here’s me spitting out an opinion) it is not right that a born man decides to become a woman (which he has the right to do) and beats up a born woman in a boxing competition.
Men and women are not equal in force and nature.
Generally (there are exceptions, of course) a man is stronger. Full stop. I rest my case.
Now to the “Vagina Chronicles”
You might have watched my last video “My vagina is too dry so I cannot have sex”.
Don’t freak out, please. This is not me talking, in fact, mine is the opposite to that 🤣
I think that my perimenopause is different to other women, it is Niagara falls down there!
That is the exact line Betty (made-up name) told Daniel (not made-up and real man replying to my questions in my letter My wildest experience).
Just a note on saying that please keep sending me your stories (if you fancy) replying to this letter. I love it and serves me, not only to keep my passion about going deep into human behaviour but also to voice your common situations that are really shared by many and not spoken up enough.
Daniel is not alone, unfortunately.
He has a bunch of children with his wife and they have been married for 20 years. He says it has been 3 years without sex.
“Her OB said she is very dry up there. And she is. She just isn't interested anymore.”
I am biting my tongue (conscious now of my firey nature) and I am thinking… well, that’s not IT, is it? Can’t be.
Life without Sex
I get the impression sometimes with the things I say that SEX is the most important thing in the world.
It isn’t.
But it is important.
And, the more I talk about it and find ‘sexless marriage’ cases I realise something.
I can now understand how somebody (maybe you?) decides NOT to leave your partner and live without sex.
I really do.
Because of course that there are other thing that matter!! What happens when you have built a life with somebody who you still love, respect, admire, have good times and laugh with?
Somebody who you share a lot of things with and maybe (the biggie) kids?
It is understandable that if everything is fine EXCEPT SEX, you are not throwing it all out the window.
The problem is when it is not spoken about and communicated properly.
Because, again, it is not the most important thing in the world BUT a man needs sex.
It is in his nature. It is unavoidable (medical issues aside).
So there is a lot to dig up in this topic and pinpoint.
And, as direct as I might come across most of the time making things sound easy to do: “Just leave, ffs!”…
No, Rose, put the break on, lovely. It is not that easy.
And I want you to know that, so you don’t feel like a fool for putting up with it (if you are).
More of that to come…
Another interesting topic and very linked to the above said.
Masturbation is healthy and nobody with 95 PhDs is going to convince me of the opposite.
It has been demonized by religions and classified as a sin (?!?)
But it is not.
It is as natural as eating or drinking or talking or walking or sleeping…
I would love to know what turns you on when you masturbate so feel free to reply to this email with your answer.
Is it a woman doing daily chores? A yoga teacher? Is it pretty feet? Somebody at work? Being handcuffed? … what is it?
Miss Dawson’s Book Club
Brian asked me last week the book I was reading and here it is.
“Men were not born to cry” by Joel S. Goldsmith.
Yes, it is an old book first published in 1964 (that I have bought new on Amazon) and it is fascinating.
I’ll make a video or two in the Inner Walkabout channel for sure.
Where to find ALL OF ME
Beautiful song by the way… here:
You can go and click away and you’ll find all my stuff, including the NSFW 😈
I wish you have an amazing start of August ❤️