I have a love attack.
I truly love you although I don’t know you.
Because you are me and I am you.
I know you struggle, like I do.
Because life IS a struggle, because without struggle there would be no joy.
Penny has dropped for me and I have seen the light and guess what?
There is no light without darkness.
As there is no joy without struggle.
Let’s drop once and for all the ideal of finding happiness as the ultimate goal.
I won’t even mention the ideal of making a lot of money and/or finding “the one” as also ultimate goals since I want to keep away my sarcastic self.
Friend, it is very simple.
Life is very simple once you know how it works.
But we come with no manual and we learn from what we have available which, often, is not even real. It is just somebody else’s perceptions.
It’s all about perception.
And who perceives?
The mind. Your mind.
The most powerful machine in the whole of the Universe.
But you are not your mind, you are YOU. YOU just ARE.
You are. I am.
The mind uses YOU and shapes your world.
It is time to turn that around.
Put your mind at your service and do it with love.
Only one rule you need to follow:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you❤️
I would love to receive a LOVE message like this one today so here we are.
Sending you love in its purest form.
Unconditional | Kind | Compassionate | Forgiving | Honest | Trusting | Nourishing
Have a great day,
Rose ❤️