That is my own drawing. I was 9 years old (not kidding, I still have a lot of stuff from my childhood). It was from the Cinderella story and I believed it. Not only that story but all of them. That is what love is of course!
Then you look at your parents and think: Hmm, this doesn’t look like that…my Dad is certainly not a Prince and my Mum, she’s miserable and on anti-depressants… things don’t add up but you’re young and innocent so you believe you’re special and sometime somewhere there is a Prince Charming willing to make you happy and love you “till death do us part”.
What a bunch of rotten bollocks!
Who came up with this insanity!? First things first…how on earth are you going to be with the same person forever and ever and ever and ever…like…why? what for? What’s that idea based on?
Does not make more sense to acknowledge that life is constant change and, therefore, assume that even loving relationships have an expiry date? It would make life so much easier!
Yeah, I get it, this kills marriage institution entirely but the reality is: what does it serve for anyway? Do you really need that I sign a paper saying I commit to you you for life and beyond!?
Sorry but this stupid thing needs to change. I love you and you love me…that is enough. The add respect, honesty, integrity, ethics, values, love (bunch of it) and no need for papers, ceremonies, guests and all the rest of absurd BS.
Wait a minute? Did Cinderella actually married the Prince? Was there an actual wedding? I don’t remember that part.