I have been joking around the New Year’s resolutions for the last couple of weeks.
The reason being…they don’t work and it has been proven with many studies.
But yet, people still make them…why?
I do know why.
We live in a world with 8 billion people (or so they say) and that means there are 8 billion different worldviews?
Mind blowing, I know.
However, it is not EXACTLY like that either.
The human experience is way more complex than that.
It is true that, as the hermetic principle state, “all is mind” and, as such, we view our world through our individual minds (actually a closed box).
But it is also true that (and this can be tricky to grasp) there is a collective mind, so to speak and we are all, somehow, connected to it.
An example of this would be precisely, these NY resolutions…”oh, everyone does that”, “it’s what you do, right?”.
This would be the “pendulum” concept I explained in this video.
Generally, we don’t like being excluded from the herd and be treated as a weirdo.
(although, to be fair, some of us 🙋🏻♀️ don’t give a damn)
Authenticity is here to stay
We are starting a new era for humanity and that is why mostly everything that has not been working is falling apart.
Slowly dying off.
This is not a depressive idea but rather the opposite.
You really want things to work out, right?
So it something isn’t…let’s LET IT GO.
Authenticity is THE word to self-reflect on in 2025.
Are you being authentic with yourself, your life, your relationship, your environment, your friends, your life…?
Are you being YOU?
Well, before answering that question, you must then know WHO YOU ARE.
Do you know WHO you are?
The reason I go on about this over and over it’s because it has been very liberating for me to find this out personally.
A true personal transformation.
It has been my life experience to go from not being aware of (mostly) anything and just live in autopilot connected to all these external “forces” of doing “what you’re supposed to do or what others expect you to do” to discovering who I truly am.
It is kind of ironic (and funny if you ask me) that I had to go into working in the adult industry for the first time at 45 years old and then, having this spiritual awakening that let me like… 😳 (my fav emoji ever)
It is my wet dream (love the irony!) to shine light on others and help to bring awareness into their lives so they can feel better and, therefore, the ripples can reach others.
But that is perhaps just a too grandiose dream of mine 🥲
“How do you dare to even think you can be a good “influence” to others when what you do for a living is (mostly) sharing your naked body? I mean…are you kidding me?
- says that little voice coming from the shadow…
Plato’s Cave
I assume you know Plato’s Allegory of the Cave (please google it if you don’t).
Essentially, people have been stuck in a dark cave chained all their lives.
They can only see a wall in front of them.
Behind them, there's a fire, and when other people walk by with things, they make shadows on the wall.
The people in the cave think those shadows are real because they've never seen anything else.
One day, one of the people in the cave gets free and goes outside.
At first, it's very bright and a little scary, but then he sees beautiful colors, trees, and the sun!
He realizes there's a whole world outside, much better than the shadows.
He goes back to tell the others in the cave, but they don’t believe him.
They think the shadows are all there is.
They don’t want to leave the cave because it’s what they KNOW.
This is F*cking Crazy
What is crazy to me and really blows my mind is that this was written by Plato in “The Republic” around 380 BCE!!(😖)
And Plato took these ideas before that, from Socrates, his teacher.
Which means that, obviously, there are no older writings (because perhaps they did not write it down) but these ideas were passed on by oral tradition.
Can you believe that over 2,000 years ago somebody was saying that we see the world through a lens (think of a pair of tainted glasses🕶️) but that, in reality, there is much more to be seen if you look beyond !!??
How come we live in a world (already in 2025!!) where the rates for depression, anxiety, addictions, unfulfillment, discontent, etc. are through the roof??
What’s happened??
Why did we not look “beyond”?
Why did we assume the shadows were reality?
What has brought us here??
What world have we created??
Yes, these questions lived in my head and could not stop haunting me.
I wanted to shout from the rooftops:
Hey! there is a beautiful world outside, come and see!!
But, again, it does not work like that and I did not get it, until recently…
The good news is that now I DO get it.
And I know that, they (probably you right now) won’t believe me and think:
“The world is what it is (shadows). My relationship does not work, I don’t like my job, I have not enough money, my cock is too short, I am sick, I am fat, I am too old, I am not successful, I cannot pay my rent, I am not good enough, I cannot go on holidays…”
Whatever…the list can be endless…what are your shadows?
Inspiration and shared experiences
Fact: You cannot change anyone or make them see anything.
The path to personal growth and transformation is an individual journey.
The only thing you can do is fill yourself with that light from outside the cave (AKA working on yourself) and then go in and shine it upon the ones still in the cave believing that shadows are reality.
But not by telling them:
“Hey, come outside and look!” but just by letting yourself shine 💫
Being THE example
(which, let me tell you, is exactly what Jesus was actually doing as opposed to what religions have made us believe he was, video here and article here)
I have gone very serious this week, I know.
That’s what happens when you decide to be authentic (what a show-off you are sometimes, dear Rose!).
I haven’t had the time to grasp that we are in the new calendar year, 2025, and that, in 15 days exactly I’ll turn 51 😲
(like… what-the-actual-frickin-fruck-you-are-kidding-me-now)
Now I need a lie down…
Rose 🌹