If I tell you that the last few years have been a rollercoaster for me, I am extremely underestimating the ride. When I say that my life has shifted 100% I am not lying, in fact, it has done so over and over again, like a spinning top.
I was already used to ‘change’ and big moves in my life because that is my Uranian nature but, man! this has been another level of change.
One of my teachers in Primary school told me something I will never forget. He said I was like a “saw” while he used his finger to draw a zig-zag in the air. If only he could see me now and I could talk to him (oops, having that emotion wanting to come out off my eye in the form of a drop). He was an old clever man, bless his soul.
I am not sure that is a compliment at all though. Being up and down is exhausting, trust me.
What brings me to write this today is that I feel like I have fallen from a tall building and smashed my sexy body and my nutty head against the concrete. Yes, like that. Thud!
And that’s because, in the same way it happened with the Conspiracy Theories hole when I realised it was another of those “pendulums” or “mass beliefs” that suck your life force and pull you in leaving yourSELF depleted and powerless, it has happened now with spirituality.
I apologise in advance for my vocabulary but words exist to be used and ‘taboo’ is a word I use in the opposite way to what those ‘mass beliefs’ do, meaning that if something is considered taboo is needs to be spoken out as opposed to repressed
(I don’t expect anyone understanding my own weird reasoning by the way).
There I go…
“Spiritual Community GO FUCK YOURSELF with a cucumber and don’t speak to me even again!”
That’s how the Thud! has let me today. Angry.
Oh but anger is not spiritual!! - some “namaste” user would say.
Oh you don’t like cucumbers, use an aubergine instead - I’d reply.
It is Ok to be angry at times.
Anger is Mars/Aries energy and we all have it. It is yang. It is masculine energy (not gender) and it needs to be expressed!
Only…never use it against somebody else, never use it to harm yourself or others but you-have-to-express-it!
Spirituality is now a corrupted word
And that sucks cause I really liked it and I am having a hard time coming up with a substitute.
Being spiritual means you are somehow connected to something outside of yourself, to something greater beyond your physicality. It means to know that the world behind your eyes is where it all really happens and originates, where ‘all there is and ever will be’ lives. It is also growth as a person so you and the world around you become a better version.
Science is starting to catch up with this by the way recognising that “consciousness is linked to something beyond form” and this is only the beginning of the end of a meaningless existence based on ‘payday to payday’ and mindlessly living.
I agree that life is not what we believe it is when we are disconnected from the beyond because we are much more and that is what spirituality is about…well, sorry, SHOULD BE about.
But what do we get in (most of) the so-called spiritual community?
Total and utter to the core bullshit, right, left and center.
Here’s my take on it.
The very right moment you separate the spiritual people from the non-spiritual people you’re entering duality. Us and them.
(I just debunked the whole concept in a sentence but let’s carry on…)
The whole thing is packed with contradictions:
Non-attachment is promoted whilst many of those people are filthy rich and charge astronomical fees (pure materialism).
Unity is promoted but yet, us and them exist.
Selflessness and serving others is practised while neglecting one needs leading to burnout and frustration.
Authenticity is also promoted leading to the creation of “fake spiritual personas” for the purpose of not being rejected by the community for being YOU!
The focus on healing traumas while at the same time embracing suffering as need for growth.
Freedom from societal constraints while establishing their own dogmas and rules.
Love and the obsession with no judgement which is unrealistic since, as humans, we need to judge (so how about learning to better judge, maybe?)
And the biggest irony of it all:
Be present in the Now and appreciate every second of whatever you are doing paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, surroundings, and experiences as they happen while, at the same time, actively seeking enlightenment as a quest driven by the belief that fulfilment and understanding lie in something external or yet to be discovered.
Sick of divisions
The word community is also somehow corrupted and it needs a bit of DIY because, entering the aquarian age, is all about that word. I think the mistake is that we forget about individuality within community which is the core of the aquarian energy and so, what I can see in my spiritual journey is most people (even the ones calling themselves spiritual!) still look up to the guru as the ‘chosen one’ so to speak.
Most of these people don’t really live their life fully because they think there is no life to be lived but just reaching that buddha state and transcend so they can break the samsara wheel and get back to the source.
Well, hear me out here: I don’t want to transcend and go anywhere and I don’t need to break any karma BS wheel… when I cross over (hopefully when I am 150 years old) it is OVER. Yes for me. My ego. My identity. This person typing right now.
And my life, although a rollercoaster, it has been, it is and will be awesome and full of experiences of all kinds that is why is called LIFE.
And so, when this body is done with this lifetime, the essence of my being which is consciousness has the opportunity to come back to this wonderful planet and embody some dude with a six-pack so be it!
I cannot wait to experience that (although of course I will not know) but bring it on!
This is a fun game when you know the rules so you, all the ‘spiritual community’ selling transcendence and contradictions go and find your favorite veggie (note the sarcastic hint) and masturbate yourselves because masturbating is spiritual, sex is spiritual, swearing is spiritual, judging is spiritual, eating steak is spiritual, and on and on and on…EVERYTHING IS.
(by the way I am not really quitting incense, I am addicted to it and I love it!)
Have a blessed day.
Rose (playing the role of “the angry spiritual” today)